Clean and Sanitise fermenter and associated equipment for brewing
Dissolve the 4.2kg of liquid wort concentrate 3 litres of boiling water in a large jug and add to fermenter. Use hot water to rinse out the cans.
Fill to a total 21 litres with cold water, aerating the wort with a spoon or a paddle as you go.
When the wort temperature of 17-23C, sprinkle the yeast onto the surface of the wort.
Ferment for approximately 4 days at 12-25C to a gravity near 1020, then sprinkle the 100grams of hop pellets onto the beer surface continue to ferment to a final gravity of around 1012.
Add clarification agent as per bottle instructions and chill beer to 1-2C.
After 36-48 hours, bottle and cold store for 3 weeks or keg and condition for 5 days then enjoy