Still Spirits Air Still 240V/320W
Still Spirits Air Still 240V/320W
The Air Still is mobile and simple to use. Requires no water. The Air still is perfect for those on the move or who don't need large volumes. Final product - 1 litre per run.
The Air Still is great if you are an occasional drinker of Spirits and Liqueurs - you can make anything you normally drink at one litre at a time. If you think this might be a little on, you can do your fermenting in a 30 Litre carbouy and have an additional 4 batches of wash ready to run through the still. Operation is about 4 hours and does not require any input once it is filled and turned on.
Preferred Ingredients
We strongly recommend you use the following ingredients to produce the cleanest wash and get the best quality product from your air still. You can use other ingredients but the quality of the final product will suffer:
Still Spirits Triple Distilled Yeast
Still Spirits Turbo Carbon
Still Spirits Turbo Clear
If you are using the 10 Litre Air Still fermenter from the Air Still Companion pack, then an Air Still Fermentation Pack is the best way to purchase these ingredients, along with 2.4kg of Dexrose.
If you are brewing using a 30 Litre Carbouy, then purchase the items separately along with 9 kgs of dextrose.