You will need:
- 1 Can Mangrove Jack Dutch Lager
- 1 Kg Brew Booster
- Lager/Pilsner Grain Pack
- 15 Grams Hallertau Hops Pellets
- 1 Saaz Hop bag
- Saflager yeast.
- Chill 5-10 litres of water in advance*.
- Place Lager/Pilsner Pack and 1 litre of hot tap water in a bowl. Steep for 30 mins.
- Strain the grain through a sieve into a saucepan. Rinse the grain with another 500mls hot water and collect this liquid in the saucepan as well.
- Bring the liquid to the boil, add Hallertau hops pellets and simmer for 10 mins.
- Take saucepan off the heat and add Saaz Hop Bag. Leave to steep for 10 mins.
- Add Dutch Lager kit and Brew Booster to fermenter.
- Add malt and hop liquid to fermenter, leaving hop bag to the side.
- Add chilled and tap water to fill fermenter to 22 litres below 25°C and stir well.
- Sprinkle in Saflager yeast and hop bag. Seal fermenter and store in cool conditions**.
* Use sterilized containers with lids. Do not freeze the water. Use chilled water to reach a satisfactory temperature and add yeast immediately. Leaving your fermenter to cool before adding yeast significantly increase the risk of introducing bad bacteria into your brew
** Try to maintain a cool even temperature in the fermenter, ideally 12°C. Place fermenter on a concrete slab or tiled surface or place fermenter in a container, add some water, wrap it in a towel with one end in water. Use a Brewers Choice Brewing Thermostat in an old fridge for optimum brewing conditions all year round.