Stainless Steel Filter vs. EZ Filter
Brewers Choice offers two types of Filters, the EZ Filter and the Stainless Steel Filter. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. This article will try to give you a new perspective on both. Note: Spirits cannot be filtered properly at high percentage rates. 40-50% is recommended as you need to treat the finished product and not add any water after filtering.
The EZ Filter uses a cartridge carbon. Once washed and activated in water it is fast, clean and easy to use. Specifically designed for the maximum purification of alcohol or water, the EZ Filter is the latest development in alcohol filtration. It uses a specially formulated solid activated carbon cartridge to remove unwanted flavors from distilled alcohol.
Due to the compressed nature of the cartridges the alcohol is forced past a vast amount of active pores so filtration is assured. Each cartridge can filter 10 liters of alcohol. The system kit contains an upper 10L reservoir, filter unit, and filter cartridge and a lower 10L reservoir unit.
Each $7.90 carbon cartridge is single use. While the set up cost is lower than the stainless steel filter, the cost of replacement filters is more than the pro-clean carbon. Getting the flow rate set correctly can be tricky and while the EZ filter does a good job, the final results are not as good as the stainless steel filter.
The Stainless Steel Filter has almost one meter of carbon to remove all the impurities in your product. At 40%, the 330-350 grams of carbon in the treatment chamber will filter approx 20 liters of cut spirit.
The hopper on this spirit filter will hold 5 liters and a 5 liter demijohn can be inverted in the top. Just make sure you have a 10 liter bucket underneath!
Used with our Pro-clean carbon (acid washed and pH stabilized), this spirit filter will leave your product tasting and smelling absolutely clean. It comes with an accurate tap allowing just 2 drops per second for slow, effective filtering.
You have to allow 30 – 45 minutes for the carbon and filter media to become activated.
The EZ Filter retails for $89.00, while the Stainless Steel Filter will cost you $210.00 for the complete kit.
The EZ Filter uses Carbon Cartridges at $7.90 to filter 10 liters of spirit:
The Stainless Steel Filter uses approx. 330 – 350 gms of activated carbon to filter 20 liters of spirit.
EZ Filter: Three cartridges will cost $23.70 to filter 30 liters of spirit.
SS Filter: A 1Kg bag of Pro-Clean Carbon at $18.50 will filter 60 liters.
In my personal view, it is a no brainer. The quality wins out. The stainless steel spirit filter is, undoubtedly, Brewers Choice best spirit filter, the best choice and the most cost effective way to filter your spirits.