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Tooheys Extra Dry  Style

Tooheys Extra Dry Style

Tooheys Extra Dry Style

You will need:

  • 1 Can Morgans Australian Blonde
  • 1kg Dextrose
  • 1 Dry Enzyme
  • 1 Cluster Hop bag
  • 1 Packet Saflager yeast




  1. Well in advance of preparing recipe, place 5-10 litres of water in closed containers in a fridge and chill*
  2. Place Cluster Hop Bag in a cup with 250mls of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix Morgans Australian Blonde and Dextrose in fermenter with 2 litres of hot water.
  4. Pour hops liquid into fermenter. Place hop bag to one side for later.   
  5. Add chilled and tap water to make up 22 litres at 20-25 degrees Celsius.
  6. Stir vigorously for 5 minutes. Tip hop bag into fermenter.
  7. Sprinkle in Saflager Yeast** and Dry Enzyme.
  8. Seal fermenter and store in cool conditions ***


*  Use sterilized containers with lids. Do not leave your fermenter to cool before adding yeast, as this increases the chance of an infection.  Use the chilled water to reach a satisfactory temperature and add yeast immediately. 


** Using a Saflager yeast will produce a crisper, clearer brew with a better flavour. If brewing below 20°C is not possible, the Saflager yeast should be replaced with a US-05 Safale yeast.


*** Try to maintain a cool, even temperature in the fermenter, ideally down to 12°C. Place your fermenter next to brick walls or on a cement slab, or wrap it in a towel with one end in water, if the temperature is too high.  Use a Brewers Choice Beer Fridge Thermostat and old fridge for optimum brewing conditions.               


N.B - When using a Dry Enzyme, it may take longer for your beer to finish fermenting.  Test with your hydrometer and ensure the finishing gravity is stable over 48 hours

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